July 1, 2020 editor 0 Comments



This policy document was developed by Mashiah Foundation with the adaptation from Plateau State Safeguarding Children Policy and Save the Children UK Child Safeguarding policy.  Mashiah Foundation is a faith-based organisation and committed wholly to working with children who are a gift from God, to ensure the protection of their rights and the attainment of their full potentials.


The policy provides for the provision of acceptable and unacceptable behaviours.


  • The interest of the child should be paramount on any issue pertaining to the child.
  • Be committed to creating a culture of openness and mutual accountability at work places to enable all child protection concerns to be raised and discussed where abusive behaviours are challenged.
  • All children are equal irrespective of their gender, disability, ethnicity, sexuality, marital status or religion.
  • To take steps to empower children by providing their views to be heard on acceptable and unacceptable behaviours.
  • Encourage children to raise their concerns about staff or others safety.
  • Ensure that risks of working alone are minimized by ensuring the ‘two adult’ rule and that they are always visible to others when working with children.
  • Ensure physical contact at all times appropriate and not an invasion of the child’s privacy.
  • Use positive, non-violent methods to manage children’s behaviour.
  • Raise any concern of inappropriate behavior immediately.
  • Comply with any investigation (including interviews) and make available any documentary or information necessary for completion of the investigation.
  • All staff and representatives must report concerns that a child is a victim of child abuse or sexual exploitation immediately in accordance with organizational procedures.
  • Cooperate fully and confidentially in any investigation of concerns and allegations.
  • Undertake induction and training on this policy which is relevant and appropriate to their position.
  • Identify, minimize and attempt to avoid potential situations of risk for children.
  • Ensure when making images of children eg. Photographs, videos, that they are respectful, that the children are adequately clothed and that sexually suggestive poses are avoided.



  • Behave physically in a manner that is inappropriate or sexually provocative or develop physical or sexual relationships with children that they interact, engage or work with.
  • Spend excessive time with a child, away from others, behind close door or in a secluded area.
  • Take a child to their home or elsewhere, visit a child at their home wherethey may be alone with that child, or sleep in the same room.
  • Sleep in the same bed with a child or allow a child to stay overnight at their home unsupervised.
  • Do things of a personal nature for a child that they could do for themselves or show favour to particular children to the exclusion of others (for example, promising a child gift or enticements).
  • Engage in sexual activity with a child regardless of the age of consent (mistaken belief regarding the age of the child is not a defense).
  • Be intoxicated (under the influence of alcohol or drugs) prior to assuming responsibility for any child.
  • Hit or otherwise physically assault or physically abuse children (even where this may be culturally acceptable).
  • Hiring or engaging of children for domestic or commercial work for consideration.
  • Fondling, kissing, hugging or touching a child; inappropriately.
  • Loosing moral decorum even when a child behaves seductively.
  • Inappropriate use of language, appearance and actions when relating with children.
  • Deceit of children.
  • Act in ways that may be abusive or may place a child at risk of abuse.
  • Use language, make suggestions or offer advice which is inappropriate, offensive, illegal, unsafe or abusive including being part of harmful traditional practices, spiritual or ritualistic abuse.
  • Exploit children for their labour (e.g. Domestic servants) or for sexual purposes (e.g. prostitution) or trafficking of children.
  • Take a child alone in a vehicle unless it’s absolutely necessary and with parental and managerial consent.
  • Condone, or participate in, behavior of children which is illegal, unsafe or abusive.
  • Act in ways intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade children, or otherwise perpetrate any form of emotional abuse.
  • Act as a negotiator in or assist the process of financial settlement between the family of the child victim of sexual abuse or exploitation and the perpetrator.
  • No child must be stigmatized or discriminated on grounds of sex, age, health status, colour, background, religion, incapacitation and race.


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